MCV Completes the First Batch of Sample Made in Malawi Products

MCV Completes the First Batch of Sample Made in Malawi Products

Chris and Ben returned to MCV today to meet with Ayami and see the first batch of sample Made in Malawi products. The students at MCV have been making bags, aprons, purses, phone cases, Ipad cases and laptop cases all from authentic and vibrant African Fabrics. The products all look amazing and we have given the green light for them to produce more products for us to sell back in the UK. We will have some more pictures available shortly and we hope to have the products available to purchase in time for Christmas.

Keep an eye out for our product gallery which we will be making live once we have received the final products.

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About Made in Malawi

Made in Malawi is an independent charity registered with the UK Charity Commission that focuses primarily on the Chipoka village of Southern Malawi. 100% of public donations go directly to support Mwana Africa Nursery, Primary School and Day Care Center or Community Outreach Projects in Malawi.

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